Lead by Example: The Inspiring Journey of Pavel Kozlov
LA Wire: Pavel Kozlov Returns to the Ring After a Five-Year Hiatus Pavel Kozlov Returns to the Ring After a Five-Year Hiatus
“I was not moving to America for a “better life” I simply was following my dream. If the center of professional wrestling was on the North Pole I would move there without any doubts.”Read full article here
Интервью с Павлом Козловым в Свои в ЛА.
Every major Hollywood action thriller has a set of ingredients that turn them into perfect movies. There’s the determined hero, the charismatic side characters, the emotional core love interest and of course, the ever present baddies. Thugs and soldiers who work for the worst of the worst crawl out of the woodwork with guns blazing to challenge the hero and, inevitably, get struck down. But those are just actors, doing their part in a movie.